Chapter 1 : Where are the wolves ?

The storm is raging, the elements are unchained. The world can feel my fury and is answering back. I have enough of this, I just finished the first day of my new job as an electrical engineer. It's a new blank page in my life and again it's started by jokes on my name. My name is Litchi, yes like the fruit.

I enter my apartment, go straight to my room, and dive into my bed. Sadly, my roommates are not here yet. I need something no calm down, take a small break, and start to work.

But there is one obstacle between me and going back to work. My nemesis, my lover, my smartphone. This black rectangular piece is calling me, whispering me to touches him. It says diabolically "Use Royal Road, come read a chapter, just one". If you're an addict you know this voice, this sweet voice.

The temptation is strong but I made a promise to not read this week, this new job needs my entire focus and I read way too much. I have works to do, simulations to run, reports to compile, profiles to review. Oh, thinking about this makes me, even more, want to read.

Just one chapter.

I hesitate. The storm outside grows louder. I take my phone, activate the screen. I don't know why but my neighbor starts a song extremely loud, Vivaldi summer presto.

This music is absolutely epic and with a thunder strike, I open Royal Road. I see the title of the new Azarinth Healer chapter, "Evolution choice". This is too much to ignore, I NEED to know the level 500 evolution of Ilea.

The room lights go crazy switching between on and off on the rhythm of the storm. But nothing can stop me as I open the last chapter. The sweet bliss of reading invades me as I read the first line, but my screen goes dark. Everything is dark, I have gone deaf and blind.


An instant later I am on the ground, in a forest. Just what is happening? I stand up, there is just green and dense vegetation everywhere. How did I end up in this jungle?


The sound of the jungle crash against me. I can hear hundreds of different animals and insects' noises. Oh no, I know exactly what is happening.


Welcome to the world of Apeiros traveler. You just arrived in the Gluttonous mountains. May your stay be pleasant. Think about your name to see your status screen.

Congratulation. You have received the blessing of the living treasure.

I have been isekai. The fear starts to rise in me. I need a weapon fast. I jump to a sturdy long branch on the ground.

The starting wolfs could appear at. Any. Moment.

I nervously watch around me. Trees, vines, ferns, a lot of highly dense and green ferns. Nothing moves. And slowly I calm myself.

Of course, this is a dream. I just fall asleep on the bed and my addict brain makes me an isekai dream. Taking a big breath, I thanks it for tricking me. An Isekai, what a joke, something like that could never---

Pain, something hit the back of my head. I fall headfirst on the ground. I don't know what is happening but the pain comes again. Something is fucking biting my skull. I catch this disgusting thing and throw it in front of me, it disappears in the fern. I franticly pick up my stick.

The green thing jumps at me and is welcomed by my branch. I fucking beat him in the air. Falling on the ground I spear him before he can stand up. Again, and again, I can only hear the painful cry of this monster and the disgusting sound of my weapon breaking is bones. I slip on the bloody floor. Quickly standing up I use my last strength as I pierce this monster like I would bury a sunshade deep into the sand.

I fall on the ground out of breath, the monster in front of me is dead, absolutely dead. Shocked, I contemplated my creation. Half standing is the body of a goblin, a small green monster, a third of my size. I can see the terror in his left eye, the other is pierced by my branch. It goes through the head and enters his stomach where the guts are splitting. His orange blood is everywhere, the display is repulsive, the odor of mango too strong.

I breathe in and stand up. I breathe out looking around me. I freeze, doing exactly the same as the three vicious green heads poking out of the ferns.

They scream while running to me. I take the branch which my two hands and like the legendary King Arthur, I rise my meaty weapon and bash the first goblin with all my strength. I knock him on the ground. Orange blood fly everywhere, parts of the dead goblin are lunches in a disgusting cone of gore. I try to kick the second one but he jumps on my leg, biting and scratching me. The third one jump, I don't have time to react except by rising my branch. He impales himself, his guts coming out.

I let it go as the first goblin stands up. Without thinking I kick him with the other one still attached to my leg. We fall, but I desperately jump on a part of my branch. Without thinking I rise it and pierce the throat of a goblin. Something moves, and I repeat the act, my arms are moving by themselves.


I step backward and realize I was screaming. The scene is gruesome, four goblins corpses. They are green like the forest, without clothing or weapons, just deformed, small green kids.

I need to get out of this place. Looking around me, nothing moves. Without thinking I take the holly branch and run. I flee until I have no more energy and hide in the fern against a tree.

This is not a dream. Oh, fuck Litchi, what did I do? I have red and orange blood covering me. I am hurt. If other goblins find me, I am will die. I need to escape this place!

No calm down Litchi, this is an isekai. You need to level up, and I can even feel that I just level up without looking at the notification. I need to put my attribute points before new goblins arrive.

Litchi: level 3 spear beginner.

Mana: 18/18

Blessing: living treasure.

Point: 12 free points, 18 fixed points.

Strength: 4 body power, force, speed

Dexterity: 6 body control, reflex dexterity

Endurance: 9 body endurance, vitality, resistance, stamina

Intelligence: 18 mental power, mana pool

Wisdom: 24 mental control, problem-solving, mana reg

Willpower: 13 mental endurance, mana integrity, illusion, charm res, fatigue, focus.

Class Skills: Spear mastery 2

General skills:

This is a classical LitRPG menu. Nicely the system gives me a mental explanation just by looking at each word. I am a spear beginner because I want to protect myself and defeat my opponent using a spear. He is right.

The blessing didn't give more information than just the name. Looking at my points it seems that I gain +1 to all attributes and 4 free points by level. Spear mastery will give me a small help, guiding me when I am using a spear.

I dearly want to be an overpowered time Archimage. But right now, I need to survive and my status window is clearly showing me that I spend life behind a desk and the only battlefield that I know is my bed. I need the endurance to survive attacks, strength to quickly kill before being swarmed, and dexterity to hit and no being eaten. I evenly distribute my point across those three stats and accept the level up.

Instantaneously an ecstatic sensation invades me. I feel like I just plunge into a lake of pleasure and power. Nothing can stop me. Quickly has it came the feeling disappears.

Strength: 10 Intelligence: 21

Dexterity: 12 Wisdom: 27

Endurance: 15 Willpower: 16

I try to feel my new strength, but only pain comes. I just realize what those four goblins did to me. My black pants are destroyed. The left leg is covered by cutting, scratching, and biting marks. Red blood is mixed with orange but luckily it does not seem to flow. I don't have shoes, just two brown and green sockets, and my white blouse is in tatter. It looks like I just take a red and orange blood bath.

Even if the bleeding stopped, I have a high risk of dying from an infection. I try to clean up the wound on my leg by removing the dirt and blood. I indeed stopped bleeding, and some smallest scratch looks almost closed. I am healing super-fast?

Congratulation you discover an aspect of your blessing: Minor regeneration increase.

Waw this blessing is fantastic; it will save my life. This could be even better if I don't die infected. Disease or poison resistance and of course cleaning are the survival basics.

Congratulation you discover an aspect of your blessing: Major self-cleaning and Major poison and disease resistance.

I froze. Did it accomplish my wish? "Please give me time manipulation, quick-save, invisibility, XP multiplier, copy or stealing power, enhanced luck!".

Nothing. Nothing of course. "Even if you did not give me OP powers, thank you for treasuring my life."

Maybe the benefactor can't hear me, but I needed to say my thanks. This blessing will save my life and is my most important tool with the branch. The only downside is that when clean and healthy goblin will think that I am a premium meal. Yes, for those monsters I can bet that I taste and even smell heavenly.

Congratulation, you discover an aspect of your blessing: Major savor and smell enhancement.