Unexpected Surprise

"Hello?" Adam excused himself out of the kitchen and went to his bedroom alone to answer his phone leaving Jesse and Emma to unpack and make themselves home.

"Hey, Adam sorry to disturb you. I know you're supposed to be off today but we need you in the office urgently." Said the man over the phone.

"What? Why? What happened?" Adam asked but he was replied with silence beside some scuffling in the background.

"Damn it, Jackson hurry the hell up I don't have time for this bullshit."

After a few minutes, Jackson finally replied.

"Listen, Adam just come to the office quick we got something to show you."

"Fine, I'll be there in five minutes."

"Alright thanks, Adam. I'll fill you in with everything when you're here."

"Okay good." Adam hung up the phone and went to the closet and changed into his uniform. He wore a regular all-black suit, got his police badge, and tucked it into his suit jacket along with attaching a handgun to the holster around his waist.

Adam is a homicide detective for the Harlem New York police department. He has been working in the force since he was twenty and has been working there ever since. Due to him working there for a long time now he has grown respect within the community and every time they have a homicide case they always hand it over to Adam. But, recently there hasn't been much action lately so Adam had no idea why Jackson sounded as if he was in a panic.

'It can't be that bad can it?' Adam thought to himself as he says goodbye to Emma and Jesse and walks out the door.

As he was heading towards the police department he couldn't help but get anxious and excited. Of course, he was excited because he was hoping he could put his skills to good use plus there haven't been any cases that caught his interest. He was also anxious because he had no idea about what he was getting into.

As he pulled up to the front of the department he saw Jackson, a tall lean lightly tan man, waiting in the doorway. As Jackson saw Adam park his car he wasted no time and rushed towards him and led him towards the medical examiner's office. As they walked into the room Adam has never not once in all ten years of him working as a detective has ever seen such a horrific sight before him.

"Oh My God..."