Chapter 10

Nigel: you ready buddy!

Luther: Yeah!

They walked to the dock as the snow came down in lairs, Luther got in first and then nigel.

Nigel: don't touch anything just stay here i'll be back i've got to go get the rope

Luther: I promise i wont touch anything

Nigel got out of the boat and ran to the house shed and grabbed the rope only to see emmy and family and her father coming down the way to look, suddenly her hear the sound of a boat engine starting, he dropped the rope and turned and ran toward the dock only to see luther trying to shut off the engine of the boat.

NIgel: Luther! Stop the boat now

Luther: I can't. It's not even on!

NIgel: shit! Shtit! Shit! Jump off the boat now

Luther: but i can't swim

Emmy: what's going on?

Nigel: Not now

Nigel ran toward the dock and jumped off toward the boat taking luther off of it into the water, they go splashing into the water together and then resurface as nigel holds onto nigel as he takes him onto the dock.

Emmy: Nigel dont you think that wa sa little overkill

Father: You almost drown the boy

They both were pulled onto the back as they watched as the boat drifted off into the middle of the lake and blew up.

Emily: Holy shir thye tried to kill luther

Father: well you almost drown the boy is justified now

Emmy: what were you thinking luther

Luther: It want my fault though

Emmy: then hows was it

Luther: The boat just started i didn't even though the engine it just started going

Emmy: look let's get you inside and we'll talk later

Everyone goes back inside and sits around discussing the events from earlier except Emily. She went to take a phone call she said even though we all decided not to use our phones, what if she led the person right to them. Nigel krept to the edge of the hall and peeked out just enough to hear the conversation

Emily: I told you her not luther not nigel, her your try to kill her what part do you not understand

Random person: well i wasn't trying to kill the boy it's a warning that i'm coming

Emily: well stay the hell away from the boy and nigel

Random person: Your wish is my command

She hung up the phone and looked out the window as tears ran down her eyes. I came out from behind the wall and she instantly became jumpy.

Emily: oh nigel

Nigel: You seem jumpy and scared, are you crying why?

Emily: just luther almost got hurt today it's scary

Nigel: well we can talk about in tonight alone if you wanna

Emily: they will be nice

Nigel: well see you then

Everyone was now asleep except for Emily and Nigel, they sat at the table with beers in hand and talked.

Nigel: Emily i heard you conversation on the phone

Emily: You- yo did?

Nigel: I know what you did, but why why want your sister dead

Emily: Because she's been in the spotlight her whole light and I stayed behind in her shadow, I was the second child that no one liked or paid attention to. Everything i did she could do better, i was never the better child at something and now look where i am still in her shadow with no reason why.

Nigel: but she loves you, and that can't be the only reason

Emily: your right, it's because i didn't want her to have you cause i wanted you, i didn't want her to have you

Nigel: well i don't want you, and she doesn't have me

Emily: I see the way you look at her and she looks at you it's obvious

Nigel: well let it stay that way

Emily: b-

Nigel: but there's something i need you to tell me

Emily: what?

Nigel: You is the peros you hired

Emily: all i know is that i have them 4000 and they left, i never got their name and everything else is a blur

Nigel: come one you have to remember

She began to cry as she tried to think

Nigel: liik if you don't give me the information i need your facing 20 years in jail no parole

Emily: Their name starts with a d

A gun shot rang out as blood splatter all over Nigel's body, Emily slumped over on his lap he saw a hole blew in her head, everyone came running into the room and found Emily slumped over her head bleeding and her eyes dead.

Emmy: Emily!

Father: what happened here

Nigel: look you need to hide take them to the safe room now, if i don't come back in 10 take the emergency exit

Father: okay follow me

They all ran to the safe room as Nigel ran off to his room grabbing his gun, what he saw from the shot was that it definitely didn't go all the way through. I ran to the window that the bullet most likely came through and waited, and right on time the person came running into the house without even noticing Nigel, he sprung into actiona nd slamed the but if his gun into his head knocking him unconscious.

Taking off his shoe laces he ties their hands together, and stops him from being able to do anything.

Nigel: i've got him

The next week the hitman is convicted and Emily is buried by Emmy, things are now back to the way they were but Emily was gone. Emmy knew the truth of what Emily wanted and felt horrible, fame came at a price but this price wasn't worth it.

Emmy: since there's no threat anymore tell me what will you do now

Nigel: move to my next job protecting someone e;es from danger and the perils of a silent killer like you

Emmy: i know we cant be together but someday maybe

Nigel: in another future

Emmy: yeah, well see you around

Nigel: yeah, and get yourself a new manager

Emmy: I have bad things are going to be just fine

Nigel: well see you on the flip side

Nigel started the car and drove off and Emmy stood there watching as his blue pickup pulled down the road and out of sight.

Emmy went on to find a balance between her famous kaif and normal life allowing her son luther to have a normal childhood away from the media, she soon went on a star a movie called the bodyguard where she had found who she really was. Then married frank after falling in love.

The end