~Time skip 4 years~
He turned 10 years old last week. Even though he didn't celebrate his birthday like others, he got a lot of wishes from his friends; especially Yugao. She has been a lot clingy whenever they are together. She would always give a peck on his cheek whenever she left him as a sign of her affection for him.
She was also the first one to admit her feelings for him when she confessed to him early in the morning at the day of his birthday. She then kissed him on the lips and gave him a nice looking dress as a birthday gift after she confessed. He also admitted his affection for her which caused her to smile in happiness. He also admitted to having a harem in the future which she readily accepted.
If you are wondering how she can accept harem plan that easily, he bought a passive ability that has a function of reading love meter towards him and those who reach full affection will readily accept sharing him without question.
During these years, he also bought creation magic and with it created a body for his lovely system Mia who can only reside on his inner world which he calls Heaven due to her being soul bound to him.
(A.N: After he has a big harem it will be a heaven for him)
She is in charge of monitoring and creating his home in the inner world. It is also wise to say that she is the queen of that world. She has already terraform his world and is currently working on making a big house for him and his harem.
As for what happen these four years, he bought skills and would test it out on his usual location. Ino has started seriously learning from him. He taught her hand to hand combat to its peak and she is also now fluent in fighting around crowded areas. He would always spar with her and give her tips on what she did wrong and how to solve them.
She has already reached 100/100 of affection but till now she has not confessed to him maybe she felt she was inferior to him and was hesitant. He let her be for now since she was still growing and even if she did confess he wouldn't be able to do anything with her besides kissing.
Another girl who was actively seeking his training would be Hinata who asked Ino for his training location the day after he save her from bullies and has been joining his training everyday without exception.
Due to her having byakugan, he taught her how to fight using it. She would use this time to practice her gentle fists and he would guide her through the sparring. If you evaluate her mastery of gentle fist then she would be a equivalent of grandmaster with all the enlightenment she got from Alex.
Another change that occurred with his relationship would be Sakura. Even though she was hung up on Sasuke still, she now talks to him even considering him as her best friend beside Ino and he would provide her with motivation to pursue Sasuke.
It's not that he didn't want Sakura in his harem, he wanted her to pursue Sasuke and when he leaves her behind, she will be reliant on him and seek his help. That will be the time when he will make her completely fall for him. It's very enjoyable courting dismissal in distress or so he calls it.
His relationship with our lovely Ayame-san was also going smoothly. He would always go there for ramen with others and would flirt with her any chance he got causing her to blush every time. Many girls would try to approach him but they would always be scared away by his girls cold stare.
Let's also not forget about our Kurenai sensei, she found them one day when they were sparring with each other. She said she was spectating their fights and she was amazed seeing their skills and asked them if they wanted to train with her.
Who in the right mind would reject an offer to be with beautiful women so he accepted which caused other two girls to accept as well.
Though the training Kurenai thought didn't go like planned as whatever she tried to teach, Our Alex would do it flawlessly causing her headache. He offered to spar with her and her help in training Ino and Hinata which she agreed.
She imagined Alex to learn fighting experience from her and would be the only thing she could teach him, but much to her shock; she was at a disadvantage from the start of the fight and eventually losing the spar causing her to acknowledge his skills and her inferiority to him.
She then came to spar with him every time she was free causing their relationship to deepen not fully but he was getting there. As per his ability, he found her numbers to be 65 which translates to deep admiration towards him and was only 5 points away from love.
His relationships with girls were going very nicely and he was expecting to make them confess their love for him by the end of Academy.
Talking about academy, he will be joining the academy starting next day along with Naruto and others. Even though he was strong, he wanted to enjoy academy life in every world he went since he didn't have the chance to do so in his home world.
His power and skills were also never leaked since he requested all girls to keep his strength a secret which they did unconditionally.
Today he was buying some stuff from the market for himself and Naruto as he was still not liked by the villagers causing him to dream of becoming a hokage just like canon.
After he bought all the stuff he needed, he got home where he found Yugao making dinner for them much to his delight. He had bought the cooking skills and experiences of Saiba joichiro from Shokugeki no soma and could cook the tastiest food in this world but his food didn't contain the warmth that he felt from the food from Yugao so he would always ask her to cook while helping her cook and give her tips on how to make her dish tastier making her food even more enjoyable.
After he had dinner, he went to sleep on his room while Naruto went to his own and Yugao to her other duties. He delightfully went to sleep eager to have his first academy experience in both his lives.