
I stood up from my bed and walked over to the glass doors that lead to my balcony, but I didn't bother opening them. I felt Mrs. Cooke's eyes on me as I folded my arms and continued to stare outside. All the memories of him came back to me, including the times he would sneak into my room, the times we kissed each other goodnight, and even the time we danced under the moonlight. These Memories made me smile, but then I remembered where he was today and the sadness came over me again.

"Your father thought you should've left him when he got sick," I heard Mrs. Cooke's voice say. I turned to look at her in disbelief.

"You don't think I tried? Nobody wanted me to be with him when he was sick. He didn't even want me to be with him. He didn't want me to go through the same thing I went through when my mother died," I said. Mrs. Cooke got up and walked over to me. She put her hands on my shoulders.

"Then why did you stay? And why do you keep holding on to him? You need to move on Skylar, this isn't healthy," she said softly.

"I couldn't just walk away from him! You don't know how hard I tried, but I couldn't. I loved him too much and he needed me! How do you expect me to walk away from the person who saved me and is still trying to save me?" I asked as the blood rushed to my face. I was mad at all of them. But I shouldn't have been. How could I expect them to see what was really happening?

Mrs. Cooke took her hands off my shoulders and looked at me confused.

"NI don't understand," she said.

"I knew you wouldn't," I replied as I walked over and sat on my bed again.

"Then help me understand," Mrs. Cooke said as she came over and sat down next to me.

"Then I have to go way back, back to the beginning. The day we got out of school for the summer. The day before mom died."