2. The Morning that changed my life

As soon as Chase got to my house I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me. I then ran inside, up the stairs, and to my room. No one was home. My dad was probably still working and my mom was probably out with friends. I was very tired so I put on my PJs and let down my long brown hair that was slicked back in a ponytail for the party. I wiped the heavy make-up off my face and eyes, revealing the simpleness to my tan, sun-kissed skin and eyes which were a soft blue color at the moment. I looked just like my mother, who gave me my Italian looks, but nothing like my father who was purely Irish. The only trait I gained from my father was my eyes. When I finished getting ready, I hopped into bed. I was asleep for what seemed like five minutes when my mother came in and woke me up.

"Honey wake up," she whispered softly.

"Mom? What's going on? It's one in the morning," I said as I looked at my phone to see the time.

"It's summer! Are you forgetting our summer ride?" She asked.

Every year, on the first day of summer, my mom would wake me up in the middle of the night and we would go for a ride in the car. We would stay out until the sun came up and then we would go out for breakfast.

"Oh right, I'm sorry, it's been a long night," I answered. I got out of bed and put my slippers on.

"Well you can tell me all about it on the ride," she said as she threw a sweatshirt at me. Then she walked out the door. I put on the sweatshirt and followed shortly afterwards.


"Aw Honey I'm sorry that happened to you," my mom said after I told her about my long night.

"It's fine. I wasn't really in love with Chase anyway," I said.

"Well one day you will be in love, and when that day comes please promise me you will come to me first, before you say 'I love you'. I want to be the first to know," she said.

"I will Mom, I promise," I said.

It was easy talking to my mom about this stuff because she wasn't only my mom, she was my best friend. I could ask her anything and she wouldn't judge me. That's why I found it so easy to ask her this next question.

"Were you and Daddy in love when you had me? I mean I know you were only sixteen at the time." To my surprise my mom answered me right away

"Of course we were. Your father had been in love with me since we were ten years old. It took me a little longer to fall for him though," my mom answered with a smile.

"I don't get it. How do you know when you're in love?" I asked.

"Oh trust me you'll know," my mom answered. I didn't really get what she meant at the time, but I didn't ask anymore questions. I just changed the subject instead.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked

"Oh yeah, I have really great news!" my mom said. She paused and waited for me to say something.

"Okay?" I said.

"Are you ready?" my mom asked. This was really getting annoying.

"Just tell me already!" I yelled excitedly.

"Okay, you are going to be a big sister, I'm pregnant!" my mom yelled.

"Really?" I said and my mom nodded.

"Mom that's great! I've always wanted to be a big sister! Does dad know?" I asked. My mom looked over at me like I had three heads.

"Of course your dad knows," she said. I just laughed.

My parents are still very young. They had me when they were sixteen, but they didn't get married until later. My dad went to college first to become a lawyer. Once he finished and got a job they got married. Before my mom continued living with my grandmother and uncle, while she went to beauty school. She never did become that math teacher she always wanted to be. Math was her favorite subject and she wanted to help others with it, but she had me instead. After my parents got married, we moved into a small apartment. Once the money started coming in we moved into the beautiful house we live in today.

"Does Uncle Joey and Nana know too?" I asked. Uncle Joey was my only uncle. He taught me how to play the guitar and how to sing. He is now a music teacher. After my parents got married, my grandmother moved back to her hometown in Tennessee and uncle Joey went with her. My mother didn't want to go because her home town was here in Pleasant View Maine.

"No they don't know, but I was planning on telling them," my mom said.

"When?" I asked.

"When they come to visit next week," she answered.

"They're coming? This is going to be the best summer ever!" I said Pretty soon the sun was coming up.

"Hey do you want to go to the docks and watch the sun come up?" Mom asked.

"Sure." I answered. My mom took the next right that lead to the docks. I turned up the radio and we were both singing along with it. At that moment I heard screeching and saw a sports car come speeding down the road. I watched it as the driver lost control and headed straight towards us.

"MOM LOOK OUT!" I screamed, but it was too late. The last thing I remember was hearing my mother's screams as I closed my eyes. The car had hit us.

I woke up in a hospital bed and looked around the room. My dad was sitting right next to me. He was holding my hand. There were flowers and balloons all around the room. I moved my hand and my dad woke up. He looked at me. He had tears coming from his eyes.

"Thank God you're alright!" he said through tears.

"Daddy, what happened?" I asked quietly. My throat was very sore. I could barely talk.

"There was an accident. You have been in a coma for three days now," he answered.As soon as he said this I had a flashback. I saw my mom's face just before the car ran into us, scared and helpless.

"Daddy, where is Mom?" I asked

"Oh, honey," he said as more tears came down his face. I could tell he was trying as hard as he could to keep them from coming out, but they did anyways. "She didn't make it, sweetheart. She's gone," he answered.

"What? No you're lying, NO!" I yelled. I then started trying to pull the IVs out of my arms. My dad was trying to stop me as I flailed my arms and legs hysterically.

"Help, can someone help me in here!" my dad yelled as he continued to try and stop me. Then he reached over and pressed the help button. Two nurses came running in at that moment.

"Skylar, calm down, Skylar," They repeated over and over again as they also tried to hold me down.

"No she's not dead, she's not dead!" I shouted.

They took my arms and started strapping me down.

"Let me go, let me go!" I yelled.I looked over at my dad and saw that he was crying

even harder now

"Daddy, please?" I yelled. He nodded.

"Let her go," he said. The nurses let me go and I wrapped my arms around my dad and sobbed.