Eleven: Fairgrounds

A week later I'm sitting at a cafe waiting for Finnick to show, this would be the first time outside the party that we'd be meeting. I wore a pretty blue dress and pumps since it was nice and sunny today. I was playing with my coffee cup when I hear my name being called walking over to me was Finnick dressed casually in flannel and faded jeans, he looked good.

"Hey you." I wave at him "How are you doing?"

When he makes it to my table Finnick bends down to give me a quick hug, startled I hesitantly return it. "Better now." Finnick lets go of me and takes the seat next to me.

I place my chin in my palm looking up at him. "So what did you have planned for today?"

Finnick runs his fingers through blonde hair chuckling slightly. "Well don't laugh but I couldn't think of anything else. I thought it- we can do someth-"

Laughing at his fumbling I say "Just tell me."

Looking sheepishly at the table Finnick mumbles "The fairgrounds?"

"That sounds like an awesome idea," I exclaim.

He's clearly surprised by my reaction. "Really? It's not too boring for you?"

"Not at all," I quickly reassure him. "I haven't been to the fairground since I was 12 or so. I'd loved to go."

Satisfied with my answer Finnick calls a cab for us and we take it all the way. I squeal with unbridled glee when I see it full of lights and people, vendors calling out in loud voices. The smells were all amazing; popcorn, hotdogs, and something incredibly sweet. I was excited to be here even if it was with Finnick. We weave through the crowds to buy tickets, he buys two unlimited day passes telling me we are going to try everything today.

And we do. Finnick takes my hand leading me to every ride and game the fair has to offer. I got to know him a bit more, he's already told me about his childhood. His father raised him alone, he grew up in a very militarized style. Finnick played the guitar and study in the United States, he told me things are very different there, peaceful and diverse. It made me envy him slightly, I have never left Lynchester.

This was supposed to be a date, at least that's what our parents thought, and I won't lie it did feel like one. Not one that I've ever been on though, growing up I was courted by many men. And when I got bored with them I had tossed them aside for a new one. This time I had to make a serious choice, a choice where I agree to marry him. Father arranged this last year telling me it would help with my coming to power, having a man at my side. He had made it clear that no matter how hard I fought the marriage would still happen. And whatever choice I made would lead a path to my Fate, lead to the Fate of the world.

I lock my arm with Finnick's thick one feeling heavy as we made our way to the last stop, the night sky a purple and orange hue. I leaned on him to alleviate the weight off my feet but by the blush on Finnick's cheeks he thinks must I'm flirting. He looks down at me with concern when I heave a sigh.

"Lizabeth?" His deep voice asks.

"Can I ask you something?" I blurt out.

"Of course."

Looking down at my feet feeling slightly uncomfortable I ask him "Are you truly ok with me being....this?" I wave a hand over myself as if it explains it all. "Or are you just that determined to earn your title that you don't care whether or not you marry a...hybrid." I settle on the word for lack of a better one.

At that Finnick furrowed his brows turquoise eyes troubled. "You think I care about that? Why would I?"

Relief fills me when I hear that and I offer him a smile. "It's just that some people are pretty cruel when it comes to interracial couples like you and I agreed to be. I was just making sure that's what you wanted."

He flashes me a toothy grin. "If I didn't I wouldn't have asked Lizabeth. And besides, you're not the first vamp I've dated."

My head snaps up. "What? I'm not?"

Laughing at me Finnick shrugs saying "California is full of Mythics looking for fun."


Grabbing my hand Finnick shocks me by bringing it to his lips. "The way I see it, you're still alive and warm. As long as I can get that blood to come to your cheeks I think of it as a win."


I blush a deep crimson and Finnick smiles triumphantly as we get ready to play the next game. He still held my hand and I didn't pull away. When it's finally our turn I can't shoot one target while Finnick earns a small smushed panda bear. Its face was disfigured and it had a double chin. He hands it to me With a flourish.

Giggling I take it from him. "It's so ugly it's adorable."

Finnick grins like a child, his whole face lighting up. Holy Hotpockets that was beautiful.

I shake off the thought and follow after him rubbing the panda's belly. At least the fur is soft.


When the sun sets we decide to get a drink from a vendor while we wait for the cab Finnick called, cold air whipping around us making me shiver. He's stands close enough that I can feel his warmth and smell his campfire scent. The car would be here in 15 minutes so I walk over to the bench near the street wipe off the leaves before I sit down. Finnick follows me taking a sip of his soda.

"I hope you had fun today." He says to me.

I look up and smile at him. "I had a great time, thanks for this," I tell him honestly.

The smile he gives me is bright and I have to look away. So bright. The wind is slight, a soft breeze but the smell hits me full force, a smell I've grown familiar with over two months: blood.

Abruptly jumping up from the bench I whip my head around in every direction trying to locate the source. It was strong and heavy, too much blood had been spilled. The thought is a heavy stone in my stomach as I take off in the opposite direction of Finnick. He runs after me coming to my side.

"What's wrong?" He huffs out.

I don't reply instead I race ahead of him and sharply turning left on my heels. I continue following the smell until it leads me to an abandoned antique shop. I halt and catch my breath moving to the side of the building where the stench of blood was strongest. My heart pounding and my lungs on fire I peek from my hiding spot to see a bloody scene. Three muscular male Mythics feeding on a young couple, two of them holding a half-conscious girl against the wall as they tore into her. The other ghoul knelt over the pale body of the boy, hands rummaging deep inside his sternum. What he does next to make me physically sick. Pulling out an organ, most likely a liver he takes it with both hands and bites into it like a burger.

I relieve my stomach of its contents right there not able to tear my eyes away from the gore in front of me. All three ghouls snap their heads in the direction of where I hid. I shrink back only to jump up when a hand clamps down on my shoulder. Finnick, panting and angry, stood behind me. He drags me further away from the bloody things happening behind the store. In his hand was a short sword and I briefly wonder where he got it.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Finnick hisses between clenched teeth. Red blotches covered his face from either running after me or anger I wasn't sure.

"That girl is still alive and I'm not going to leave her." I glare at him.

After what seems like forever Finnick stops waging war on himself and nods. "Fine but you let me lead, stay behind me, and grab the girl. Wait for the right moment and run." seeing my look of displeasure of leaving him behind he adds. "I'll be right behind you."

When I nod Finnick lets go of me and I have no time to voice my objections as he leaps out tackling the two ghouls latched to the girl. They tumble to the ground and I rush over scooping her in my arms. She felt brittle like if I dropped her she'd break. Her pulse was weak but I could hear it faintly. I stand on trembling legs.

"It's okay-"

A boulder of a body pummels me into the wall, with a painful gasp I drop the girl and fall to my knees. Towering over me with blood coating his front was the biggest of the three ghouls, a wicked snarl distorting his face.

I forgot about him, Finnick had dispatched one ghoul but was struggling with the other. It threw him away like a ragdoll, his sword discarded a few feet away. Finnick stumbles to his feet and lands a fierce blow to the ghoul's head, he staggers back and Finnick pounces. With a tight grip and a sickening snap, the Mythics body slumps to the cement.

The huge ghoul roars and stomps over to Finnick, grabbing him by the top of the head the ghoul tosses him effortlessly. Finnick lands with a lifeless thump and doesn't move.


I force myself up gasping at the pain in my ribs and help the shaking girl to her feet. "We need to get out of here."

Stumbling I try to escape only to be knocked down forcefully again, the air leaving my lungs. With a rough calloused hand, the ghoul lifts me to eye level and slams his fist into my side repeatedly. At some point, I hear a loud crack! My ribs caved under his massive blows. I can feel myself slipping away and intense red eyes flash in my mind, with all the air left in me I call out my sire's name. I feel my eyes roll back into my head my last thought being: I'm going to die here.