Sixteen: Persuade

A few weeks later I wake up with a note from my father saying that the Keepers of Lynchester are going to arrive today to hear me out. Now that he has told them that I will marry Finnick they finally agreed to hear me out. I dress and go to find him. He was in the study, bent over a stack of papers. A cigarette hung between his lips ash dropping onto the oak desk. He only smoked when work was stressing him out so I knew that things weren't getting any better. I knock on the doorframe startling my father, his eyes baggy with exhaustion when he looks up.

"Liza, how are you, sweetheart?"

Stepping further into I shrug. "I got your message, I just wanted to see how things were going."

My father sighs and leans back eyeing the stack of papers with disgust. "It took a lot of yelling and stubbornness to get them to agree. If you want to go through with this then you're going to have to thicken your skin, these are old men with extremely deep-rooted prejudice."

I put on a confident smile. "I am willing to at least try."

Holding my gaze my father seems to be looking for my resolve before sighing and nodding. "Then I have the utmost faith in you. Just be ready for whatever." He warns.


Steel clashing against steel rings out through the large spacious room, the sound echoing along with playful teasing and laughter. My feet following a quick step pattern, Finnick and I were in the training room of the manor waiting for the Keepers to show. Somehow a jab at me being weak ended with us grabbing a weapon and we were sparring. He was quick and strong but I kept up easily, whipping around him like the wind. We kept the mood light, throwing jabs at each other and banter. Laughing loudly Finnick swings around shoving the butt of his sword into my back and I stumble forward.

"I'm impressed you can keep up with me," Finnick calls out to me.

I jump over his low swing and throw out an elbow hitting him hard in the chest. "I was going to say the same to you."

Sweat dripped off of me and onto the padded floor. Heavy breathing was all that could be heard for a moment as we circled each with matching grins. I throw myself forward and swing my long sword only to be met with his. It was a nice exercise, it cleared my mind of everything but his next attack. We go steady with our attacks for what feels like forever until I finally get the upper hand.

Finnick's grin stays in place when I ram my shoulder into him and he falls flat on his back, my sword instantly at his chest. When he looks up at me his eyes have a dark spark in them, a leg sweeps out and I fall on top of him with a surprised yelp. My sides ache as I roll off of him groaning softly, we lay there staring at the ceiling and catching our breath. Both of us were covered in sweat and I could feel the heat radiating off of him.

Finnick gets to his feet chuckling as he offers a hand. I take it, my small hand looked like a child's in his giant one.

"I think I'm done for today, how about you?" I ask stretching my muscles out.

Taking the practice sword from me Finnick places them both back on the rack. "Yeah, the Keepers should be here soon. My father will be here too."

He comes to stand next to me, hot hands on my waist and I lean into him. "You stink." I joke.

A belly laugh comes from him and he holds me out at arm's length. "Rude, but honest. I'm gonna go wash off. I'll meet you in the study."

Leaning down he places a chaste kiss on my lips before jogging out of the room. I am standing up and stretching when I hear the door open back up. I smirk turning to the door hoping to tease Finnick.

"Forget something or did you come back for anothe-"

I shut my mouth when I see Aurora standing there. It's been days since I have seen her and it made my heart twist painfully. I suddenly felt embarrassed and like I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Aurora's eyes were distant and unreadable, her expression cold enough to make me shiver.

"Your father sent me to tell you that the Keepers of Lynchester have arrived." Aurora's voice matched the rest of her, cold and distant.

Finding my voice I nod. "Okay, give me five to shower and change."

Aurora makes to leave but the words bursting out of me make her stop. "Will you be there? In the council?"

The first time in days my sire looks me in the eye, peeking at me over her shoulder, eyes still distant. "Is that what you want pet?"

I flinch at the nickname, it hits me like a backhand to the face. "Of course I want you there, none of this would be possible without you."

Her molten red eyes softened slightly but still hold that cold hard edge "Then I'll be there." She exits the room and I feel heavy with disappointment and something else I can't describe.


Standing outside the study doors I take a deep breath and harden my nerves before walking in with my head held high. The chatter stops once I enter nine pairs of eyes following me as I stride confidently to the head of the table where Aurora and my father sat. Looking around I see Finnick who sat next to his father, he meets my gaze and gives me an encouraging smile. Making sure to hold eye contact with everyone in the room before I speak

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I'm sure you've all heard why you are here."

Lord of the Strand grunts "To waste my damn time, those beasts won't listen to reason-to peace." The old man's voice was filled with hate.

Trying not to roll my eyes I keep my voice level as I speak. "You've fought this war for 53 years, Lord Barres in that time have you ever tried to talk to those so-called 'monsters'? Have any of you really tried to reason with them before you attacked?"

A murmur of voices rises the Keepers grumbling that I was being naive. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my father lean over to whisper something to Aurora, her eyes flashing to me then she nods replying back in a low tone.

Raising my voice to get their attention again I say. "The reason you are here..." the Keepers quiet down their focus back on me which was slightly unnerving. "Is to at least consider the option of peace. This war has brought nothing but misery for both sides, we aren't even sure why we are fighting, the reason has been forgotten for centuries and replaced by fear and prejudice. I believe it's high time we bring all this death to an end."

One of the only women there was Lady Rivera and when she spoke it was quiet yet it captured everyone's attention. Her eyes are sharp as a hawk sliding to me with cold scrutiny. "And how do you expect the Leaders of Khaos to agree to this? They are ruthless killers who care very little for humans."

My hands clenched into fists, nails biting hard into my skin. I was getting angry at how ignorant these old fools sounded. I knew it would be like this, I had a plan to convince them. With a deep steady breath, I gather my courage to continue.

"You are all stuck in a mind-frame where these people," I emphasize the word glaring at them. "Are nightmares and horror movies. Most of them want this war over with just as much as us humans. They feel just like humans. Mythics aren't evil; they are people who have lives. People who have families and friends." I jerk a thumb back at Aurora whose eyes were burning holes in my back. "I myself was saved by a vampire, there are good Mythics out there who want to live in peace."

Silence grows in the room as I watch a few of the Keepers shift in their seats, considering my words. The Pride That surges in quickly gets shot down by Lord Blackwood, Finnick's father. A mean-looking man with bright blonde hair.

"What about those who don't want to stop fighting, those who thrive on the violence?"

I look to my father for support but he keeps quiet his eyes saying: you have to do this on your own kid. The blow hurts but I know he is right. "If we meet anyone like that from either side the government of the offender will dole out the punishment they see fit."

That seems to enrage all seven of the Keepers, even more, all of them shouting over each other to shout at me. I tried to get them to shut up but no matter how loud I got they yell louder. If this kept up I wouldn't have a voice tomorrow.

This was going to be a long night.


After hours of arguing I was finally able to get the reluctant Keepers of Lynchester to agree to a council of peace with the Leaders. If I could convince them. Once all the necessities were out of the way Aurora stands quickly and walks out, with a word to my father I leave him to wrap up goodbyes and I hurry after my sire. Finnick's curious gaze followed me the whole way out of the room.

"Hey wait up," I call after her.

She continues her brisk pace ignoring me so I break into a jog to catch up to her. Aurora doesn't look at me when I fall in to step beside her, doesn't even speak to me just stares straight ahead.

"Rory, stop!" I grip her wrist tightly.

Aurora's eyes are empty, void of all emotion other than contempt. Her whole body rigid under my hand. It hurt me to see her like this, to not know what is wrong or what to do to help. I resist the urge to pull her into a hug, I grit my teeth and huff out an angry breath.

"Did I do something wrong? Why won't you talk to me?" My voice cracks before I can stop it.

The look she gave me was one of pain. "I just can't Lizabeth." Her voice barely a whisper.

"Can't what?" I shout anger washing over my despair. Why won't she talk to me?

Not answering me Aurora pulls my fingers off her wrist and turns walking away. I stand there watching her back with tears threatening to come.