Nineteen: Wedding Chapel

*A/N this chapter will have a rape scene that some may find offensive or bring back personal experiences. Please read ONLY if you are comfortable.


"I am suffocating inside this dress!" I gasp.

Ellie scoffs. "Don't be a baby, the measurements are exact. You're just nervous."

A gargled laugh finds its way out of my throat. Nervous did not cover what I was feeling at this moment. Several emotions were at battle inside me; fear, uncertainty, and a severe ache. I was getting married today, to someone I wasn't sure I could trust-let alone love. What I overheard two days ago plays through my mind on repeat followed by a rush of anger. I was lied to; The Blackwoods were playing me I just know it. Finnick had been acting the whole time and I had refused to see the warning signs. And now it was too late to get help, my father wouldn't listen to me. My sire was no longer right there when I needed help. I was left helpless and conflicted, unsure of how to proceed.

I try to control my breathing hoping it will help sort the storm of emotions threatening to burst from me. Ellie was circling me doing finished fussing over me she stands back to admire her work with teary eyes. My maid of honor wore a pale blue gown and matching pumps; Ellie had insisted on the color.

"Perfect." She says brightly and pulls me into a hug careful not to crush the delicate fabric.

Returning the hug I catch my breath. "I can't do this Ellie."

My best friend purses her lips looking at me with concern. "What? Why not?"

Opening my mouth to explain I am cut off by a knock at the door. Ellie leaves my side to see who it is, surprise in her voice when she opens the door. "Oh, don't you look dapper."

Ice coats my veins when I hear a deep baritone voice. "Ellie, you look beautiful," Finnick says kindly, and my best friend giggles. "I was wondering if I could have a moment alone with Lizabeth before the ceremony."

Again Ellie giggles and she unknowingly becomes a traitor when she lets Finnick in. "Of course." She dips into a crusty and exits the room.

Turning to look at the man soon to be my husband I push down the new wave of nausea and meet Finnick's teal gaze. If not for the damn fact that he might be an enemy I would say he looked charming. The suit he wore was a three-piece, all dark grey with a light blue Morning Glory at his lapel. The blue accent brought out his eyes, making them glow with some unnatural light. Finnick stood tall with his hands behind his back as he slowly assessed me.

Standing in front of me was not the kind man I've grown to know- or as well as I could know the fake f*cker. My groom had a cruel triumphant look in his eyes, a sneer at his lips. Finnick sauntered forward confidently splaying large hands out wide as if showing off a prized possession.

"Ravishing darling." He says coolly.

He knows. I panic internally. "Stay away." I stutter.

Finnick held himself with an air I have never seen on him, it was menacing. This wasn't the man I knew. Tilting his blonde head to the side Finnick feigns innocence. One large step closes half the distance left between us, my heart beating erratically. "Why would I stay away?" Another step closer and Finnick stands before me, his height making me panic even more. "You're mine after all."

I gulp down my fear but it just bubbles back up at his words knowing he is right. Finnick could take whatever he wanted and get away with it. Whatever I said would only be taken as the word of a cold footed bride. Damn sexists.

"What exactly do you plan to do Finnick?" I raise my head. "Keep a needless war going for profit?"

Bursting with laughter Finnick closes the few inches of space left and shoves me hard against the vanity pinning both my hands down. "Something like that." He mutters vaguely.

With every fiber of my being telling me to scream I take a shaky breath and speak with a firm tone. "Tell me what you plan to do, as your wife I deserve to know."

With no warning, he leans forward and pulls me to his lips. Violently Finnick kisses me biting my bottom lip hard enough to draw blood when I yank my head back. "Fair enough, after the wedding, you won't have any other choice but to obey. The way the spell will work allows me complete possession over you."

A grip on my face forcing me to look at him, teal eyes burn with a fire that sends spikes of fear down my spine. I could feel the air in the room vanish, my skin went dry and I couldn't breathe. Finnick dripped with a frightening aura that made me want to all to my knees.

"I am the God Hades and you are the vessel for my wife Persephone. Together we are going to gather souls here on Earth and wage war on Olympus."

"What if I say no?" My throat tightened and I fought for air.

He chuckles cruelly. "You can't stop me not now- not when you've already made your choice. A choice that will damn all humans."

Bile rises in my throat when Finnic crushes his lips to mine harshly teeth clashing together. Rough hands dig into my wrist before they slide up to dig into my breast. When Finnick shoves my legs apart with his own and fear takes over my body. No! No, no, no! He pushes a hand up my dress, the fabric crushing up as he does. Fear and anger make me shakes uncontrollably I feel stuck, glued to the spot. He was too strong for me to fight off, his weight was crushing me. All of me was screaming internally to fight back but my body refused. All my training draining away with each forcible kiss, every rough grope. When I hear his zipper I struggle harder against his weight but only to be shoved back against the vanity, my head smashing into glass. My vision is blurry when Finnick shoves himself inside me, my fingers clawing at his face as I cried out. Why was no one coming to help?! Can't anyone hear me?? Pain shoots through me when He starts to move roughly and tears flow down my face, I couldn't do anything my arms were weak and I was shaking with fear.

I feel something brewing deep inside me, unfamiliar and powerful in my core. My muscles quake and spasm before everything went numb and tingly like I just shoved a metal rod in a power socket. I can hear myself let out a bloodcurdling scream as lightning crackles through the air and hits me full force.

My mind is blank and buzzing loudly at the same time. I could feel my whole body being electrocuted and saw Finnick thrown across the room before I lose consciousness.