Twenty one: Confession

Lizabeth's POV

"AHH! Be gentle." I scold.

Ellie laughs at my pain while Aurora just hums lightly and continues to brush the tangles out of my hair. It felt good to have her fingers in my hair but the knots were killing me. When I had woken up yesterday Aurora had been there, then a few moments later so was everyone else hovering over me. I felt like I had been folded several times and ripped to shreds but with the blood Aurora was constantly handing me it was easing away. She was acting different, Aurora was normally quiet and broody. Now she was very talkative and wants to be at my side all day. I wasn't complaining but I wondered if my sire was okay. Aurora told me she loved me yesterday.

The thought makes me blush red, what was I supposed to say to that?! When you wake up from an odd dream just to find yourself in another where a beautiful vampire tells you she loves you how do you respond? Luckily I didn't have to because my mother walked into my room to find us locked in an embrace. My mother screamed making me cringe before coming to push Aurora out of the way to hug me herself. My father and brothers soon followed all of them crying and I just looked at Aurora with wide eyes. I had no idea what happened.

When things were explained to me I puked and shook violently all night. I had been Finnick-by the god Hades. I felt dirty. I felt like I had just been thrown into the garbage to rot. I had been helpless to stop him. Even after all the combat training, I do. I was weak against him. That night after I was checked out by a doctor and my family finally left I sobbed like a little girl. Aurora held me close and whispered soothing words of comfort to me. Her touch did soothe me in a way I couldn't describe but the tears didn't stop until hours later. I woke up feeling better but still....hollow.

Asking Aurora to call Lang and Ellie I had curled back up into a ball needing to be around people who care about me. I feel like if I was alone I'd just sink into a dark depression and that's not what I needed. I wanted to destroy him and his war.

Lang comes up to me with a gummy treat as my sire's fingers expertly braid my hair. I open my mouth and he drops the gummy in my mouth. "Beauty is pain, Izzy."

I glare at him but I don't mind Aurora's fingers in my hair- he doesn't need to know that though. "What did you pick to watch?" I ask Ellie who lay at the foot of my bed scrolling through my movies.

She pops in a comedy about two families going on a trip to Africa and Lang stretches out next to her handing her a gummy. While their attention was diverted Aurora tilts my head up with a gentle finger to kiss me on the forehead, my cheeks are burning when she pulls away. "I am going to get you something to eat."

Lifting me Aurora places me on the bed with my friends before walking out of the room. I watch her go before flicking my attention to the movie. My friends though are staring at me with glares. I feel the blood drain from my face.


"What." Lang grits out. "Was. That?"

I blush all over again my face hot with embarrassment. "She went to go get me food?"

Ellie pauses the movie and looking at me with big grey eyes. "Izzy, you didn't see how she was acting when you were out. She was all...."

"Angry possessive vampire ready to bite someone's head off if they touched you?" Lang offers and Ellie accepts.

That was a surprise, Aurora was normally level headed, it took a lot to get her angry but she has been acting weird. I shrug it off. "She's my sire, Aurora probably didn't like seeing me in pain."

My best friends share an exasperated look between each other before turning it on me. Lang sits up and grabs my hand. "Lizabeth I may be gay but I am not blind. I see how gentle she is with, how she looks at you. You've always been bad at keeping secrets."

Ellie agrees with him and I am red in the face looking anywhere but at them. "Y-yeah so what?"

"ARE. YOU." Lang enunciates loudly. "OR. ARE. YOU. NOT. WITH. HER?"

"I just woke up yesterday guys and need I remind you I'm in no shape to be thinking about relationships?" I tell them and they both look down in shame.

"Yeah, sorry," Lang mumbles.

Elle pulls me into a hug and Lang joins in wrapping me in the love I needed. "It's ok guys, don't ever change. I just want to find that bastard and end him." I grumble in a dark mood.

"Don't worry I plan to give him a first-class ticket to hell myself." Aurora had come in silently with a tray of soup and bread. She sets them beside me on the nightstand, the smell was enough to make my mouth water.

Leaning down right in front of Lang and Ellie Aurora kisses me on the cheek my cheeks bursting into flames. My friends just look at me with wide knowing eyes and a shared smirk. I thank her quietly for the food and shoved some bread into my face to hide my blush. I didn't realize how hungry I was but it became difficult to eat while avoiding the bruises on my face. Feeling Aurora's red eyes on me while I ate so I tried not to show my discomfort. This continued all day; my friends and I relaxing and hanging out while Aurora was hovering at my side. If I am being honest, I liked seeing this side of her but it was getting a little frustrating and uncomfortable. I wasn't sure how to act around her now, my sire's personality did a 180 and I'm not sure why.

I'll have to ask her what's wrong once we are alone.


A cold hand on my shoulder has me forcing my eyes open, panic setting in my bones for a second before I see familiar slanted red eyes. "Rory," I mumble sleepily.

"Come on Eṉ kātal." She whispers to me. "Let's go find a room where you can actually rest."

I look down to see Lang and Ellie on either side of me asleep, a smile creeps onto my sore lips. They stayed with me all night. What did I do to deserve such good friends? Sadness sweeps over me replacing my tiredness and I can't stop the tears that start pouring from me. Aurora quietly and gently picks me up and I instinctively put my arms around her neck and cry into her chest. I wasn't sure why I was crying but I couldn't stop. She doesn't say a word just walks out of my bedroom and across the hall to her room. When the soft bed is under me I still clutch my sire close as my cries turn to ugly sobs. Cool hands find their way to my back rubbing small circles with her thumbs.

"I am so sorry I wasn't there," Aurora whispers into my hair and I sob harder.

The emotions just pummeled into me and I couldn't figure out any of them. All I knew was that Aurora was here and her myrrh/citrus smell was beginning to calm me down. My sire stayed silent until my sobs morphed to quick pants as I tried to calm myself down. With the back of my shirt I wipe my nose and look up at her; Red eyes were looking back the pure rage and hurt clear in them. One hand stops rubbing my back to come up and wipe my tears off my face, the cool touch felt nice against my burning cheeks so I lean into it.

"I don't like this feeling." I hiccup.

A soft kiss gets planted on my forehead. "I know Eṉ kātal."

When she calls me that I look up at her. "Why are you acting like this?"

Aurora blinks then chuckles softly pulling me into a hug carefully. "I told you, I love you."

I blush but try to stay strong. "Why all of a sudden? You spent weeks avoiding me Aurora." I bite my lip as more tears prickle my eyes. "That hurt. I know you care about me but I can't do this guessing game with you- in fact, I don't want to play any games. I want an honest straight-up answer from you."

My sire takes a long look at me and smiles. " I was being honest and straight up with you. I love you and I wish there hadn't been so many obstacles in the way of you and me. You told me you had a responsibility that you refused to throw away so I respected your decision and tried my hardest to keep myself in control." Her eyes go dark, a muddle red wine color. "When I saw you lying there...I lost it Iz. It took a while to get myself back in control of my emotions and a long talk from an old friend helped." Aurora chuckles. "He helped me realize that I was smitten at first sight."

The confession leaves my heart racing and speechless, I wasn't expecting her to tell me what was wrong. Aurora has changed.....and she says it because of me. Heat floods my cheeks and I avert my gaze from Aurora's intense one. What is happening?!  Aurora's exotic accent whisper in my ear.

"I know you feel it too. Don't lie. You don't have to tell me you love me but I know you feel the same as I do."

Her cool breath on my neck makes me shiver. I pull her closer and bury my face in her neck. She holds me gently but works away at the knots in my back while humming a tune I don't know. Soon I drift off into a dreamless sleep in my sire's arms.