Twenty five: Talk

Lizabeth's POV

"Nīṅkaḷ uyiruṭaṉ irukkum kaṭavuḷkaḷukku naṉṟi! Nīṅkaḷ iṟantuviṭṭīrkaḷ eṉṟu niṉaittēṉ. Eṉṉai mīṇṭum orupōtum viṭṭuviṭātē!" Aurora's accented voice cries and I am attacked with wet kisses all over my face.

I fling my arms out in surprise and open my eyes to see my sire on top of me with tears in her red eyes. She gripped my face firmly and looked down at me like I was her whole world. My heart skipped a beat at her beauty. I had woken up in my real bed just seconds ago to have Aurora fling herself on to me and sob. I don't know what was happening but I couldn't help but laugh at what she had said. I wrap my arms around her waist and hug her, the smell of myrrh and citrus fill my nostrils. She felt so good.

"I didn't have a choice on me leaving you know," I say laughing a bit.

Aurora pulls away from me to wipe her eyes and my heart aches just a little at the sight. I don't want to see her cry, she should only ever be smiling. "When you disappeared so did our bond Izzy," she shakes her head. "I thought I lost you."

Black hair falls in front of her when she bows her head. I pull myself out of the covers and tug her back into my arms. She felt light in my lap. This was a side of Aurora I've never seen, a completely vulnerable Aurora, one who doesn't want to hide her feelings. It hurt me to see her hurting like this. In pain because of me. "I'm right here," I say.

My sire squeezes the air right out of my lungs and I let her. She cries quietly into my shirt with her fingers twisting my hair. I push my initial shock aside and kiss her head. What had she been through? What broke her down to this? Aurora felt weak in my arms, shaking and crying. My hold tightened on her and speak in her native tongue.

"Nīṅkaḷ nalamāka irukkiṟīrkaḷā?"

Aurora nods stiffly and slowly stops her crying to take some deep breaths. I can feel her very slow heartbeat thump in her chest. When she calms down she says "I couldn't help you. I couldn't save you."

Holding her out to arm's length I look at her with a frown but she won't meet my eyes. "The only reason I was able to get Persephone to help me was because I could feel you there with me." I tell her softly.

One minute passes by and she still won't say anything or look at me. Frustration flares in me. I place a hand on her face and force her to meet my eyes. I can feel my heart going crazy when I look into those slanted red eyes brimming with tears. Gods, she is beautiful. "If it weren't for you I would be dead." Aurora flinches but doesn't look away from me this time. "You make me stronger Rory."

Her face softens and when she leans forward I don't hesitate to connect our lips. I feel my stomach flip upside down and my heart starts beating like crazy. The hand on Aurora's cheek snakes around to her neck to keep her there. Her lips were so soft, Aurora tasted like citrus. My sire shifts on my lap straddling me and I moan against her. Her hands are moving up and down my back, burning my skin with her cool touch. Aurora's teeth find my bottom lip and bit down harshly dragging another moan from me. With an extreme effort, I pull back and rest my head on her shoulder, breathing heavily.

"You make me crazy." She groans and I laugh.

Zeus' words echo in my mind and I look up at Aurora with a smile. She is grinning down at me her eyes clear and bright again. "I love you," I whisper.

I feel her freeze above me and my heart drops slightly. Red eyes bore into my blue ones, searching for something deep within them. I could get lost in those eyes. My palms began to sweat and my heart raced. I wasn't sure what she was going to say but the anticipation was killing me. Cold hands cup my face and I close my eyes as her thumbs rub circles up and down my jawline. "Say something." I plead placing my head to hers.

"Eṉakku muttam koṭu." She whispers.

I oblige her and crash my lips on to her soft ones, my stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster. My body tingled all over, pleasure fanning over me with her cool breath on my mouth. I had never been with a woman like this, never thought I could feel like this with one. Cool slender fingers trace my face before tangling themselves in my hair. I smile against her lips before sucking her bottom lip in between my teeth earning a moan from the beautiful woman onto of me. Dragging my hands down to her curvy hips I deepen the kiss. Aurora happily parts her lips for my tongue, I wonder faintly how she can taste exactly like how she smells but the thought soon vanished. My sire battles for control and wins, exploring my mouth with her tongue.

Soon Aurora lets me go so I can breathe, I gasp for air and let out a shaky laugh. "Nāṉum uṉṉai kātalikkiṟēṉ. Ippōtu nīṅkaḷ ataic colla nāṉ kāttirukkiṟēṉ." Aurora says to me before pecking on the lips.

Pulling her down on top of me I attach our lips again, her bottom lip stuck between mine. She even fit perfectly against me, her body pressed on top of mine like a missing puzzle piece. I am about to tear her shirt off of her when the door opens and my parents enter to see me in a very interesting situation. My gorgeous sire straddled me and I knew my lips were swollen from Aurora's kisses.

"Oh my." Was all my mother could say.