Twenty seven: Crown Me Queen

Lizabeth's POV

(Five months later)


I could not believe what had just unfolded or how heavy this damn crown was literally and figuratively. In the past few months, I have been crowned Queen Lizabeth the First of Lynchester, united half of the country already though progress is not good in the South. I have been working closely with Lady Kastillino and Leader Pierre to calm the rebellion brewing there. No one ever said this would be easy but I think I am doing pretty alright for a 19-year-old hybrid Queen. Aurora has been away since my coronation, I missed her terribly but it was for a good cause. She had told me that a few covens in the States would be willing to help us out. Apparently, they know a thing or two about settling disputes among Mythics and Humans.

Maybe I should have just moved to the United States.

The sound of the door opening breaks my concentration on the papers on my desk. Jason comes barging in with his school clothes on and bag thumping against the floor behind him. He wore a big grin and his green eyes were wide with trouble. The giggling toddler jumps up onto my lap and began to try and hide himself with my hair. I laugh when I see Anthony come running in with a huge, ugly yellow spatter on his crisp button-up, some of the goop was even in his hair. My brother comes up to me fuming while Jason just giggles loudly twisting my hair in front of his face.

"That little mongrel just dumped some kind of experimental liquid all over me while I was getting ready for Lang!" Tony points an accusing finger at the little boy on my lap.

I laugh harder and decide to tease Tony a bit. "Aww did little baby Jay ruin your perfect outfit for you daaatee?" I say in a baby voice and tickle Jason's sides.

My family and I moved into the Castle Stag not soon after I became Queen. It was nice to have my family still with me, the place was too big for just two people and it was a requirement of me becoming Queen. I wasn't going to complain though, my bathtub was big enough to be considered a small pool.

"Okay, that's it. I am officially not getting you anything for your birthday." Tony says blushing pink.

Jason jumps off my lap and hugs Anthony's stomach. "I'm sorry for being mean, don't be mean to Izzy."

We both laugh at our littlest brother and Anthony forgives Jason. They both leave to go clean up while I just laugh at their silliness. The pile of papers suddenly looks like a pile of dung so I scoot my chair back and exit the large study. I was still finding my way through this massive castle. Most of the time I had to have a guard show me wherever I wanted to go. In the past couple of months, I have grown pretty fond of the gardens. So many different colors and species of plants yet they all shared the space and lived happily. I wanted to make Lynchester like this garden. Unified and peaceful.

I fortunately find my way there without any help and I lay down on the soft grass. Closing my eyes I try to relax and soak up the sun. I let my mind wander, thinking back on everything that has happened in the last year. Two years ago if you told me I was going to be Queen of Lynchester I would've thought it a pick-up line and most likely dragged you off somewhere semiprivate. Shuddering at the past me I am glad that I got my shit together. Who would've thought this is where I would be: a descendant of Zeus, transformed into a vampire and then began dating said vampire who turned me. Or the very fact that I defeated The God of the Underworld and ended a millennium year war.

The mixture of Myrrh and citrus hit me before anything else. I sit straight up and whip my head around to see Aurora striding toward me. That odd feeling in me bubbles up right alongside happiness and I leap up and jump into my sire's arms. I wrap my legs around her waist to secure myself then lean down to kiss her. Aurora is smiling against my kiss but she reciprocates me and I can't help the flips that my insides are doing. She feels amazing and I am struck with how much I needed her close by.

"Well hello to you too Eṉ kātal," Rory mumbles against my mouth.

With me still holding on tightly to her she walks us over to a bench and sits down, I sit in her lap comfortably. Her long hair was tied up and she wore a loose-fitting shirt with jeans. The deep-set tiredness was clear in her features, those beautiful red eyes were low. I start to massage her shoulders and am not surprised at the tension in her.

"How did it go? Are you okay?" I ask her.

Aurora sighs and tips her head back to look at the sky. "It went as well as I could hope. A few covens didn't even need much convincing but there were others who.....thought it best that they let us deal with our own problems. In the long run, I was able to successfully get 8 Mythic groups to help us. They should be here within the week."

She smiles softly and glances down at me. "Some of them are really old friends of mine. I can't wait for you to meet them."

I laugh. "They are going to eat me alive."

Tossing her head back Aurora laughs loudly and I enjoy the sound while it last. "Indeed they will."

Bringing my face back up to her my sire connects my lips to her for a slow sensual kiss that leaves me weak in the knees. I was glad I was on her lap because I would've fallen otherwise. A cool tongue slides across my lips and I open my mouth and let her dominate the kiss. When I pull away I am flush and breathing heavy.

"I missed you," I tell her.

Aurora kisses my nose. "I cannot even begin to explain how much I missed you." She pulls me close and hugs me again. "I have people I want you to meet. Important people to me."

I cock my head up at her intrigued but I nod. "Okay, let's go."

Few more kisses and we head inside. I ask Aurora many questions about what she did up there and if there was any trouble. My sire answered me with the patience of a saint. Things are much different across the ocean, the Mythics there are peaceful and extremely helpful. The race was still in hiding there and most humans referred to most Mythics as 'hipsters'. Aurora only got into trouble once, a rouge werewolf tried to rob her at a motel. Luckily she didn't get hurt.

She leads me to the library where I find a rowdy bunch of Mythics laughing and chatting with my family. I was pleasantly surprised at the sight looking up at Rory to see her grinning happily. "Meet my family, they raised me after I turned."

At the sound of my sire's voice, a blonde haired man looks over at us and smiles. When he walks over I can see he is a warlock, his deep purple eyes seeming to look into me. With outstretched arms, he hugs Aurora, when they break apart they talk in a foreign language I don't know. She gestures to me and the warlock smiles at me kindly before pulling me into a hug. He smells like cinnamon, pulling away he smiles.

"I'm Nikolai. It's so nice to finally meet you. When Aurora visited last she spoke a lot about you."

I blush and glance at my sire who let my side to converse with the other Mythics. "She did?"

Nikolai nods. "I could tell as soon as I saw her she was at peace, now that she found her mate."

I blink up at the blonde-haired warlock. "Her mate?"

Warm purple eyes look into mine. "She didn't tell you?"

Before I can answer Rory comes back to us. "Darling I want you to meet the rest of my family."

Taking my hand she leads me to the table where everyone is gathered. I am introduced to Nikolai's wife Cyra and they're child Otto and his partner Nero. We got to know each other and I realize that they are quite amazing people. They traveled the world helping Mythics stabilize safe regions for them. Cyra was the eldest of them, a witch from Egypt, she was a general in the Pharaoh's Army. Nero fought with the United Kingdom to defeat Napoleon before he met Otto. Nikolai was a doctor from Russia who found Aurora two years after she turned, raised her as his own, and taught her control.

We talked about the progress I was making here and what life has been like since the war has ended. Hours passed before we decided to call it a night. Now I lay in bed with Aurora chatting about nothing and everything. I felt whole now that she was back. The other half of me lay at my side and smiled down at me, long fingers caress my face. Her eyes were a dark red, the color of the wine. They shined with a feeling I was coming to understand was love. It was still a new concept to me but nothing I did with Aurora felt forced or faked. All of it was just so real and my heart fluttered in my chest each time she looked at me. Fate or not, I was glad she was in my life.

I fall asleep content in her arms. The familiar and calming scent of her washed over me like a warm blanket. And for the first time in months, I slept the whole night through. I didn't dream that night but if I had I'm sure it would have been amazing. Everything was better when my sire was at my side. I hope that Aurora is happy with me because I want her with me always.