
Yea so as I said before he wanted to hangout. Clearly I'm just seeing these messages and so his text saying I'm supposed to be there by 7:30 jolted me but there's nothing I can do now. Like, my driver just got here. Anywho, I called Teylor.

Sapph: Hello babe?

Tey: Yes?

Sapph: I just saw your texts, like training just

finished and the driver just pulled off.

Tey: Uuughhh...ok that's fine. Don't worry just

get your stuff...wait do you want to

hangout with me?

Sapph : Yes.

Tey: Ok just pack a bag and I'll pick you up

from your house ok?

Sapph: Mhmm ok Tey bear.

Tey: Ok *chuckles* such a cutie. Love you.

Sapph: Te amo. *ends the call*

It took me about twenty minutes to get to my house from the city and as soon as I got in, I was greeted by Seth and his best friends. They used to go to our Academy. I hate them with their loud video game playing all the way in the game room. I told them hello and talked to Seth a bit then got upstairs via the elevator.