Entry 13

I'm so hyped for tonight. Chase Atlantic is in London for three days. They had a concert yesterday but I came in late and the girls were tired so the boys went so here draineth a portion of our money. We are going today and maybe Sunday.

Sidetracking a bit: Gymnastics training was super fun today because one, we got to wear our new colourful holographic gears and two, we ended training early and got to do freestyles on the mat like a mini show or whatever.

I got ready at Char's house. We had got dressed and waiting for Sol to come over however, she said she'd be coming with Cole. Anywho, Char's mom gave us a brownie from the fresh batch she just made. We were so happy today for some reason. We were up and down the stairs, in the elevator even so that Char's mom was constantly asking us what they gave us at training.