
I power walked inside onto the illustriously tiled floor and slammed the door shut. In distress, I threw my white and blue shaded Chanel scarf over my neck. I'd just had a long flight from New Zealand for my featured project and my suitcases were late. I released a breath and went to sit on the table.

Butler: Excuse me, madam, you have guest that have arrived for you.

Minutes after, I heard running through the hallways and then there it was. My hands disowned my Fendi bag. My voice betrayed me and my head was...I think I'm dreaming. The two held tensive stares at each other and at me. Sapphire: ... What's going on? *********************************************

Maids and waitors, I mean everyone was busy about the mansion. It's the weekend. I don't understand really. Usually, there would be days off for the staff on weekends but I guess some of my family have arrived early. Oh, just like last year, all my family members and friends, globally, decided to come down for my grad week. Honestly, it's stressing but like I have no say.

Butler: Welcome Ms. Sapphire. How was your trip?

Sapph: *smiles* Thanks. It was tiring.

Staff: Excuse me Miss Sapphire?

Sapph: *turns to her* Staff: Master Seth seeks your appearance at the pool house. Sapph: Master Seth?

Staff: I-

Sapph:*chuckles* You can go. Staff: But Mis-

Sapph: Tell Seth that if he wants me, he should come himself. Don't let him send you out for such trivial things.

Staff: Yes Miss Sapphire.

I went to greet my parents to whom I was told were in my father's office. As soon as the doors were opened, I saw not only my parents but the President of France and his wife. They were all sitting over bottles of champagne. I turned back deciding to come back later on but then...

Dad: Sapphire it's okay, come in. Sapph: I just wanted to greet you. Hello Mr. President and first lady.

President: Oh Sapphire, you don't have to be so formal. You can call me uncle like old times. Sapph: *puzzled* Oh okay. Mom:*chuckles* Sapphire doesn't seem to remember. President: Ahhh yes. It's okay well my wife and I are here to congratulate you. France would be so happy to open its doors to you. Anything you want you can come to me.

Dad: Juan, you're not trying to sway her into going to university in France are you? President:*laughs* Oh no, no, but I mean it. It'd be good to give Jeun some real competition there.

Sapphire: Jeun?

The doors open, as if on cue. Seth and... came in.

Jeun: Dad, mom, Seth will be taking me out to eat. Have a safe flight back.

Seth: Sapphire, oh you're here. I sent someone to-

Sapphire: *glares* Hello Mont Claire.

Jeun: *hugs her* I was the one who wanted to see you. I heard you had arrived.

Sapphire: *clears throat* Of course. I'm here. You've seen me.

Mom: Sapphire why don't you go with Seth and Jeun just to catch up?

President: Great idea.

Dad: You see Jeun, she's all grown up; acting as if she's too adult-like for us. *everyone laughs*

Sapph: In fact I am, Dad. *smiles*

Dad: No you're not , you're my pumpkin princess.

Sapph: Okay I will be in my room...

Mom: Sapphire aren't you supposed to be going somewhere?

Sapph: Teylor is coming over. *whines*

Jeun: Teylor? Seth: *pat's his shoulder* He moved here a little after you left.

Mom: *chuckles* You and Teylor are quite the pair. Reminds me of your father and I. Nonetheless, I'm sure he'll understand. I'll tell him you're out.

Sapphire: But- okay I'm coming Seth. *Walks out*

Seth: Don't worry spoiled baby, Teylor said he'll be there but he'll be late. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So guess what? I'm in Berlin. Yes. Seth is Mr. Extravagant of the year. With that being said, he shut down the steak and burger place we usually come to. Right now we're here with his best friend's from here and Teylor still hasn't shown up yet. Well, I thought their girlfriends would be here as well but I'm the only rose among thorn pricks here. All the same, I am glad to be sociable, plus, they behave like my big brothers too. My dilemma, just nice. Oh, they paid some random girls they saw passing by to hang out with them. Well Jeun was hell bent on giving me all his attention because every single question the girl asked it's , "what do you think Sapph, or answering while making eye contact with me. Anywho, this whole time I've just been drinking glass upon glasses of orange juice. I gave Seth my food only eating a curly fry here and there. So we were just sitting waiting on people to pay their bills as we were ready to go home. By "home" I mean one of Seth best friend's penthouse. I'm so thrilled to leave, that I could sleep anywhere. Lol, I'm not kidding. Upon getting up to exit, I saw Teylor step down the steps and went over to him. Sapph: Teylor. Tey: I know, I'm sorry baby. Sapph:No it's okay, did you eat? I missed you. Tey: No, but I had a protein shake earlier so I'm good. Did you eat? Sapph: *shrugs* Fries. Tey: Okay. *frowns* Sapph: *runs her hands through his hair* Tey: *chuckles* Cute. You can barely reach on tippy toes in heels. Sapph:*pouts* Mhmmm. Tey: *hooks my arm in his* *sits her on a table* My pretty little fairy. *puts tendril behind my ear* Sapph: *blushes* Hey Teylor, you owe me a supreme sundae! *confused* COMPENSATION! Tey: Only if you eat it all. Sapph: *they step outside* Of course not. I have you to finish it. *giggles walking away* Jeun: Who's this Sapphire? Seth: *hisses teeth and pulls him away* I told yooouu Jeun. Don't be shady. Jeun: Oh, so now you let boys date her? Seth: I'm not her dad. Just let it go. *Walks away* Jeun: Well, we'll see about that. *Smirks*