Parent's Anniversary Dinner

You should notice a lot about Teylor has been disclosed in previous entries. However this one us more a fun fact than serious life or death, caught in the moment type stuff. keeping in line with their 'Silvery 25th', instead of the usual dinner ball you see in movies, my parents requested some rather incredulously extravagant items. Like remakes of their favourite tv shows and musical pieces. Even though it's much, they deserve it because they've always worked tremendously hard to serve their country and manage to carry out their duties to us, their family.

Well,the good thing about this is, each family member gets to choose what we want to remake or perform. Boy was I surprised when Teylor opted this. Okay, surprise to you as well. Actually the bad boy was a gymnast and swimmer as well until he wanted to do more "manlier" stuff. He hasn't danced in years so a week prior to our Hawaii trip, I wondered how he would fair. Well you'll know soon.