"Combining Abilities"

Facing Ainsley's eagerness, Finley remained calm. He first started his explanation with a living example.

"Hmm, you see, a human friend of my brother also experiences the same thing as you." Finley mentioned himself but in a roundabout way.

"My brother, the fairy of time, is a contract fairy of the Walter Family's heir. Do you know that?" The boy asked once more.

"Hwm! Swo?" Ainsley didn't bat an eyelid at Finley's name. She didn't even look impressed or what, unlike others' reaction whenever this name was mentioned.

Ainsley's indifferent response sent a pang to Finley's heart. The boy smiled bitterly and shook his head.

'Sure enough, a genius will not react so strongly toward another genius.'

"Okay, since you know the Walter Family's heir, you should know that he awakened his ability when he was 6, right?" Finley continued his words with a bitter taste in his mouth.