"Visiting The Guardians"

Ainsley realised that once she got a tutor, the tutor would ask her to reveal her power source and check her abilities. By then, he or she would notice that her abilities weren't like what Grandpa Yofan knew.

That...that would be a nightmare. Wouldn't this tutor reveal my lie?!

Ainsley's face paled. The girl was instantly restless. She thought of running away from this old man or protested, but she just couldn't.

She's still pretending to be asleep, okay?

Thus, Ainsley could only listen to Grandpa Yofan and Elliana's conversation.

"How is it? Do you think the little Ain needs a tutor?" Grandpa Yofan asked once more. He knew that Elliana wasn't that smart, but in regards to special abilities, the woman knew as much as he knew.

"Yes. Tutor. Me. Find." Elliana offered herself to find a tutor for Ainsley. But then, she hesitated a bit. She didn't know what kind of tutor would be the best for this baby?