"Code-C's Past"

Ainsley felt hopeless. She looked at the cute cat with a troubled expression.

Actually, the crib was quite spacious, but the cat took half of the space with its sleeping position. Ainsley had to curl when sleeping so as not to touch the cat accidentally.

That's quite a scary thing to imagine. Ainsley would feel like sitting on lines and needles, and God knows whether she could sleep or not. Under such pressure, even an adult would be wide awake for days.

But unlike adults who could be night owls, Ainsley's body was still that of a toddler. She needed more sleep, and she was also prone to getting sleepy.

What if she fell asleep and accidentally kicked the cat or something?

That would be a disaster!

Thus, Ainsley wanted to move the cat away from her crib, but it didn't seem like it would move anytime soon. As a sacred guardian, it's impossible for the cat to not know Ainsley's arrival. But it remained sleeping, occupying the baby's crib.