"Seeking Trouble"

Ainsley had asked others about this maid before, but no one knew where she went. Maybe she's dead. Perhaps she ran away…

Ainsley had no time to care about this small issue. She didn't know this maid that well, anyway.

Thus, discarding her thoughts, Ainsley went to the dining hall without taking Code-C with her. Code-C had no intention to move from the cardboard, so she could only tell Elliana to give him cat food.

While Code-C ate his food, she should also enjoy the delicious breakfast…

Can she, though?

Ainsley was daydreaming when she arrived at the dining hall.

Usually, Grandpa Yofan would immediately stand up and greet her. The atmosphere was usually lively and warm, but today…

Ainsley, with her back facing the dining hall, suddenly felt rather odd. Even Elliana halted her steps and didn't move forward.

'...what is it? Why is it so oddly quiet?'