"Who Is There?!"

Ainsley started to bawl again until Code-C almost slapped her mouth.

Lil baby, why are you crying again?! What's with this nonsense? It's okay even if you take a few years to trigger my bloodline! Don't cry, ah!

The stress accumulated over a few weeks after the baby transmigrated became the reason why Ainsley didn't stop crying. The baby just needed time to vent, and now is the right time.

Seeing Ainsley didn't stop crying, Code-C gradually stopped trying to disturb the baby. He just slowly laid down on the baby's stomach and stayed there to accompany his potential master to cry to her heart wishes.

At the same time, our lovely boy in a formal white collared shirt and fade pink trousers was waiting for Ainsley to meet him at their usual secret base.

It was already 10 a.m, but Finley didn't even see the edge of Ainsley's clothes near the back garden. Over time, the boy couldn't help but scrunched his eyebrows.