"The Enemy Of Your Enemy Is A Friend"

Ainsley was terrified of Finley, but when the boy approached her, she couldn't move. She could only stare at the boy coming closer and closer. One could see the concern in his eyes.

"Ain? What's wrong? Are you still down because of that bit– I mean because of Lady Blair?" Finley stopped in front of Ainsley and sat down. He hurriedly pulled the girl into his embrace and patted her back.

"Don't worry. She's not that formidable. In my eyes, you're infinitely better than her." Finley smoothly hugged Ainsley and stroked the back of her head. The way he pulled Ainsley to his embrace was so swift that both Code-C and Ainsley was shocked.

This boy is strong! Oh my, I don't know that Finley is such a strong fairy!

Ainsley thought that a library fairy would be relatively weak in terms of combat power. But...as expected, a royal fairy is still a royal fairy.