"Blaming Elliana"

"Dumping responsibility?" The other maids gasped. Their eyes narrowed into a slit.

"Do you mean...blaming Lady Elliana for the young miss' condition?" One of the smart maids accurately pinpointed the hidden meaning behind her friends' words.

"Yes, that's what I mean! We only need to relay this issue to the higher-ups, and then if they ask us who's in charge, tell them it's Lady Elliana!" The maid nodded.

"I also saw her visiting the young miss last night. We can say that as an excuse." She added.

Upon hearing this, the other maids paused. They looked at each other with a slight hesitation in their eyes.

Indeed, such a method would make them free from suspicion, but didn't that mean they accuse Lady Elliana of whatever happened to the young miss?

That...wouldn't that be too much…

The maid who suggested the idea saw the look in her friends' eyes, and she couldn't help but raise her voice.