"Waiting To Watch A Good Show"

While the branch families' heads headed to Grandpa Yofan's residence, Finley and Chronos, who was waiting outside of Ainsley's bedroom, chatted merrily.

"It's been three days. When will that baby finish her journey?" Chronos shrunk to his tiny size and flew to Finley's chest pocket. For three days, the duo didn't go back to their house and built a simple treehouse to watch over Ainsley.

They changed their clothes by relying on Aetheria's skill to teleport daily necessities from their mansion.

It had been three days, and they hadn't returned. No wonder Chronos started to grumble.

"No worries, Nos. You know that it's already fast enough if Ain can finish building her bond with Code-C in just three days." Finley smiled as he stroked Chronos's head.

The tiny fairy poked out his head from the pocket, making it easier for Finley to mess with his hair.