"Bye-bye, Cheeks…"

One key rule in bluffing was how confident one looked like and how much 'power' they could falsify.

A cool effect was needed to look domineering, to falsify one's strength, thus easily earning others' respect.

But a normal stage effect couldn't just bluff the experts at the trial. Ainsley knew that she needed a rather cool effect...

If only she could fly….or maybe charm all of them, making them kneel, worshipping her…

Uh, that's quite impossible. But at least using Fin's wind power, she could float to assert a domineering effect, right?

Ainsley rubbed her chin and nodded in satisfaction. Her plan was good.

Now, she only needed to borrow Fin's ability. Thus, the baby didn't delay and immediately told Fin about her request as the two walked down the corridor with Fin outside the building and they talked through his wind ability.

"You want me to help you float following your signal? To assert dominance?" The boy asked in disbelief. His eyelids twitched, feeling ominous.