"7-coloured Energy Crystal"

Ainsley was instantly agitated. If she herself didn't know what's going on, how could the others know? 

As expected, even after Grandpa Yofan invited several family doctors to check Ainsley's condition, they all said that she's simply exhausted after using her power. 

However, for Ainsley, that didn't seem to be the case. Her energy source, that 3-coloured marble, still glowed brightly with each colour full of vitality. 

If she exhausted her energy, the 'marble' inside her body would dim and devoid of any colour! 

Clearly, that's not the case. So, it means her problem didn't lay on the lack of energy source meant to use her special ability. It was something else, and She was still in the dark. 

'Should I ask Fin?' Ainsley tried to look at the window, but she didn't know how she could contact Finley when there were still Grandpa Yofan and Elliana in the room.