"Code-B Special Ability"

"Necromancer and summoner? Isn't that too overpowered?!" 

Ainsley gasped, clearly not believing Cellino's words. If Code-B alone was already that strong, what about Code-L, the strongest out of the three? 

Clearly, Cellino's newly awakened power couldn't even carry Code-B's shoes if that cat was a necromancer and a summoner. 

Seeing that Ainsley got the wrong thoughts, Cellino hurriedly fixed his words. 

[I said that Code-B is a necromancer and a summoner, but what he can summon is only something related to soul and spirits.] 

"Soul...and spirit...so you mean that his summoner ability supports Code-B necromancer ability?" Ainsley instantly made a guess. 

A necromancer could control corpses and revive the dead to become an undead, but if Code-C also had a soul summoner power, he could just summon another soul to occupy the corpse and then control it.