"Ain's Strength"

Alvaro, who witnessed this scene, almost fell from his seat. The grip on the fire wolves' rein already loosened, about to fall from his hands. 

Is this really a troublesome, savage monster that always threatens lots of ability users? Since when it suddenly looks so loving? It is staring at Ainsley as if she's its most precious jewel! 

Alvaro knew Ainsley's charm ability but didn't know it was this formidable. Even among the same ability type, there were weaker ones and stronger ones. 

Ainsley's charm ability seemed to belong to the latter! 

Alvaro's eyes already popped out while his mouth refused to close on its own. The young man with the same hair as the baby looked at the tiny creature next to him as if she's the real monster. 

How come a 3 years old baby has such a terrifying ability? Even if she can only charm a low-levelled monster, it already means she can fight 3 ordinary ability users that have the combat-focused ability!