"The 100'th Floor"

Ainsley stepped out of the run-down hotel with her luggage stored inside her necklace. 

She told the others to pack up and check out early since she was sure that they would move to another hotel after they visited the casino! 

The baby's wavy black hair fluttered in the air as she lightly jumped into the carriage, wanting to help the others put their luggage inside. 

While the others were preparing, the baby sat next to the window and fiddled with her silky black hair. 

[Do I really not look like someone from the Sloan Family?] Ainsley quietly asked the Godfather and Cellino through their special telepathy. 

To the capital, Cellino rarely spoke to Ainsley due to their separate training. But now, it's his chance to blabber. 

[No, you don't look like someone from a fallen family like the Sloan Family, boss! You look so pretty and elegant!] The cat raised both paws as he praised Ainsley to the sky.