"Ability Users' Secret Battle"

Even the players that were arranged by the staff and already took seats almost jumped from their chairs. 

Fck. Their opponent is this baby?! 

One of the senior players that would play against Ainsley instantly slammed the wooden table. 

"Don't joke with me! A brat like this is going to challenge all of us for 10 consecutive rounds?" 

The senior gambler felt his pride wounded at the moment. If someone knew that he played with a brat at the casino, even if he won, others would say nasty things behind his back. 

This is a toddler! The first toddler that they ever saw entering a casino...and she was even crazy enough to do this impossible challenge. 

Who does she think she is? The Godfather's daughter? 

When Ainsley saw these people's strong resistance and even their reluctance to play against her, she furrowed her eyebrows. 

Why are these oldies so extra? Just play, can't you? My age isn't an excuse for you to refuse me!