"She Is Blair Aretha!"

Ainsley fixed her eyesight on three figures sauntering to the lobby. At the moment, the moonlight magically shone upon the three newcomers, highlighting their faces. 

The bright light of the lobby only added more background effect to these three. The guests around Ainsley couldn't help but whisper among themselves. 

"Are they really the Aretha siblings?" 

"Of course! Look at the badge on their chest." 

Ainsley subconsciously followed the stranger's whispers to his friend and looked at the three children's chest. 

Indeed, a tiny silver badge proudly stuck on these children's chests. The badge showed the image of two horses. 

The one on the left was undoubtedly a unicorn, and the one on the right was a horse with white wings, a pegasus. 

It was a familiar logo to everyone in the lobby, including Ainsley. 

The Aretha Family's symbol! 

Ainsley finally held her breath. The other guests also subconsciously straightened their back.