"Baby Mafia God System"

What occupation would she want to be the best at? 

Ainsley didn't need to think twice and immediately exclaimed. 

"The mafia! I want to be the strongest mafia in this world...while I'm still a child!" 

In other words, she wanted her name to be as popular as the Godfather, but before she reached 15 years old. She wanted to be the first baby mafia that could be a legend! 

There was already the first best female mafia in the Godlif country, and there was already one throughout the whole world. And so, Ainsley made a tweak to her goal. 

It is becoming the first strongest female baby mafia in the world! 

Her ambition didn't lie in just this small country, the Godlif country. 

The country might be heavens for the mafia society because it was said to be the father country of the mafia society, but it didn't mean the strongest mafia in the Godlif country was also the strongest in the world.