"The Second Main Mission"

New baby protagonist book is out! Read "I Always Become a Baby!" Noww!!



"I choose this!" Ainsley repeated her choice, and before Zev could say something, the system already responded. 

TING! [Upgrading exclusive ability: Luck Manipulation. Obtaining new skill: The Goddess Of Fortune and Misfortune] 

The system didn't do any fancy trick and just shot a ball of white light to the baby. Ainsley felt something warm entering her abandonment, especially her energy core. 

The light became a trigger for the potion's effect. At that moment, Ainsley could vaguely feel the amount of luck in other people around her, including Zev and the Godfather. 

Godfather: Crystal-level luck 

Zev: Diamond-level luck 

Elliana: Gold-level luck 

Since the girl was alone with the two spirits and Elliana outside of the bathroom, she could only see the data of these three people.