"Let's Attend An Auction"

Ainsley tried her new skill and the way to use it was actually similar to how she used her charm ability. 

"So, it's like this...hum...there…" 

Ainsley experimented with her skill control for a few minutes before she could grasp the basics of her GFM skill. 

After making sure the domain range of her skill only covered the balcony, Ainsley pointed her finger at the mother raptor's head and commanded in her mind. 

'Luck level boosted to diamond level!' 

With just a single thought, a ray of golden light shot out of the baby's finger, piercing the raptor's forehead. 

Since she only focused her skill on one object, the skill came out as a golden bullet. 

However, if Ainsley wanted to use it on a bunch of people in one go, she could simply let her skill cover a large area. By then, she could control the luck of any beings inside her skill domain.