"Grandpa Yofan Power Display"

"Roger, commander! Prepare the archers!" 

The archers immediately took their bows and positioned themselves not far from the Sloan Family's land troops. 

The non-archers' monster tamers would assist the archers by using their monsters to attack the land troops. 


Nearly 50 archers were already taking out their bows and could unleash their arrows any moment! 

Seeing this, the 6 elders who were busy killing those who could threaten their barrier broke into a cold sweat. 

"Supreme elder! We need your help! If the archers kill our troops, we can't even defend against their land troops!" 

One of the elders, a grannie, shouted on top of her lungs until she almost choked to death. 

Their Sloan Family's army still had to fight against the enemy's land troops that hadn't made a move yet. Once they did, the situation would be even worse than before.