"The Black Hole Supremacy"

Feeling his black hole domain weakened by a lot because of these 'flies', Grandpa Yofan clenched his fists as he looked at the closest neutraliser ability users to him. 

"Hah. Dreaming to temporarily seal my black hole ability...you guys should have brought more than 50 people!" 

Grandpa Yofan's dark black domain became even fainter than before, but before his black hole domain disappeared, the old man's body flickered. 

The next moment, his body re-appeared right next to several neutraliser ability users. 


These ability users instantly paled. 

"This old fart can use his abilities at the same time! Fck! He's insane!" 

The neutraliser ability users immediately tried to run away. 

Someone who could use their abilities at the same time already achieved a very high realm in their pursuit of strength. 

Only the big bosses could do that without a frightening concentration and excellent ability control!