"Living For The Brightest Future"

Grandpa Yofan looked at that elder and shook his head. 

"No, Daniel. The esteemed sacred beast can't get out of the prairie as she wished to. The family head has to be the one fishing her out…" 

Grandpa Yofan paused a bit before continuing. 

"Only then the esteemed sacred beast will help our family. That's the rule of any sacred guardian in charge of protecting a family." 

Because of the rule, when a family head of a family with a sacred beast couldn't get the sacred beast' recognition, their family would deteriorate just like the Sloan Family. 

The previous Sloan Family head, Ainsley's father, didn't get the sacred beasts' recognition, resulting in even more deterioration. 

Ainsley was the one that slowly lifted the family when she finally contracted one of the sacred beasts. 

However, all of that was useless. In the face of this sudden invasion, what could the baby do?