"A Helping Hand"

Just when the evacuation team was in a pinch, from the bushes deep inside the forest leading to the town belonging to the government…

A bunch of mercenaries suddenly popped out, bringing all sorts of beasts and monsters with them. 

"There! The evacuation team! Protect them!" The commander of the new troops immediately jumped out of the bushes and started to attack the pursuers. 

The 30-or so people behind him also brought their tamed beasts or monsters together while the non-tamers, the majority of the group, dashed to the kids. 

"Kyak! Who are you?" 

"Get away!" 

"Ah, uncle, uncle, there's another enemy!" 

The kids almost peed their pants when they saw the new troops heading toward them. However, the new reinforcement immediately calmed them down. 

"Don't worry, kids. We are not enemies. We are here to save you on behalf of your family head!"