"Pegasus VS Fenrir"

Seeing the bomb flying straight to their direction, Grandpa Yofan and the others despaired. 

Will we finally die here? 

Just as everyone thought that the elders would die and the mansion would explode, out of the blue…

A white fur ball dashed out of an inconspicuous white carriage that had just entered the backyard. 


Shield of Wind! 

The white furball, the size of a cat, suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and in just a few seconds, the furball enlarged to ten times its previous size. 

It was now even larger than the Pegasus across them! 

The Sloan Family troops and the family members couldn't say that they didn't know what kind of creature they saw. 

Almost all of them had to suppress the urge to scream. 

The sacred guardian! That's the sacred guardian contracted to our family head! 

So, the family head is back for real? And her contracted sacred beast is also back with her!