"Boosting His Luck"

Ainsley's eyes sharpened. She glanced at the pile of 3-coloured crystals near the healers and the few energy recovery potions that God knows they got from where. 

The baby steeled her heart and took a deep breath. 

Grandpa Yofan's luck is bad...that's why he's dying. But if I manipulate his luck...won't he live? 

He will live!

Ainsley didn't think much and immediately let the golden light inside her eyes shoot toward Grandpa Yofan's body. 

At that moment, the golden light enveloped Grandpa Yofan's body, engulfing him in a warm embrace. 

The others around the old man could definitely see the golden light, but none of them knew what kind of light it was. 

They only thought that it should be the family head's secret ability or something…

Ignoring the others' peering gaze, Ainsley waved her hand and shouted in her mind.