"Now, Rest."


"Aw!" Ainsley instantly cried out, and her golden dome shattered. 

The baby stopped whatever she's doing and touched the bump on her head while whimpering. 

"What the?! who ish twat– " She's about to lash out when she lifted her head and...froze. 

Her angry bird face stiffened. Her reddened pupils slowly turned back into calm blue. 

"A-a...a…" Ainsley stuttered as she lifted her shaky finger and pointed at the figure right in front of her. 

The figure was so tall that she could only lift her chin high...but the figure suddenly squatted to match her height. 

"A-a-a what? Hm?" The person's cold voice resounded as the edge of his lips twitched. 

One could see his fists weren't too far from the baby's head, about to hit her again. 

When Ainsley heard this super familiar voice but not in her mind anymore, her jaws dropped to the floor. She staggered and almost fell on her butt.