"A Request"

[What is this skill book about?] Ainsley clicked on the picture of the pink book with the title 'Charm Technique Book'. 

The book flashed inside the transparent panel, and then the papers started to flutter. However, the inside was empty. The pages were empty too. 

Ainsley was baffled. 

[Is this a joke??] 

[No, ah. That book is empty because it's a skill book used to copy one of your skills and then teach it to others.] Zev shrugged as he circled Ainsley's head. 

[Using that book, you only need to touch another person's head and transfer one of the skills you have.] 

[For example, if the other person has luck manipulation ability, you can even transfer your Goddess of Fortune and Misfortune skill for them to learn!] 

Ainsley almost fell from the bed. 

[WHAT?? It's that OP?!] The baby looked at the skill book's image with wide eyes.