"Popular Among The Members"

The Pegasus? Vallan? 

It was then Ainsley realised that she didn't take care of the war's aftermath properly. Vallan was still at the house as a hostage. There were still so many constructions to do…

Ainsley looked down at her clothes and suddenly thought that it's time to be active again. 

'Yosh, let's go and handle that bastard!' 

Ainsley didn't know why Vallan still stayed at the mansion even after she fainted. The charm effect should be gone already, right? 

Little did she know that Vallan was so traumatised by the Godfather's aura last time that he didn't dare to run away from the Sloan Family's mansion. 

Not knowing any of this, the baby jumped from the bed and beckoned Cellino to follow her. 

"Let's go, Cwell. Let's greet the others!" 

Ainsley walked out of her bedroom, and she immediately met some family members who were gossiping about Vallan.