"Disturbing The Aretha Family"

Along the way to the front yard, as usual, the members greeted Ainsley warmly. 

"Boss! Morning!" 

"Boss. Where are you going? We will accompany you!" 

"Boss, boss!" 

Some kids even secretly followed behind Ainsley while giggling here and there. 

"That lil sister is our saviour!" 

"She's even younger than us, but she's so incredible." 

"We owe her!" 

With Ainsley's keen hearing, she could hear the kids' chatter, and her face unknowingly stiffened. 

She recalled the war reports about the casualties they suffered. 

Among them, a lot of kids from the Sloan Family died in the hands of smaller families around the Sloan Family's mansion. 

These families didn't join the war but secretly colluded with the Aretha Family to kidnap the Sloan Family's kids. 

Just recalling this report alone made Ainsley's face sink. 

'Just you wait. You guys….all of you that dare to attack my family…'