"Looks Like Bad Luck"

"Boss Michael, the Walter Family is making their move! Do something!" 

"Boss, you have to help us. We are your allies!" 

"Boss! Will the 7 sacred families help us? We are on their side!" 

Countless phone calls and messages flooded Michael's phone until he had to turn it off for weeks. 

At the same time, somewhere far from Roane Region, the region where the Sloan Family and the Walter Family resided in. 

At the border between the human continent and the sea leading to other continents. 

"FCK! This is impossible!" Michael slammed the table at his office as he abruptly stood up. 

He had just turned on his phone, and it had been buzzing non-stop from his allies calling for help. 

"This is all because of that cursed baby– AINSLEY SLOAN! How dare she do this to our family?!" 

Michael kicked the chair until it flew outside of the room straight to the garden. 

"Huff. Huff."