"A Competitive System"

The 6 branch family heads, even those that got their previous family heads punished, couldn't help but squeal. 

"Boss, that's a good idea!" 

"Boss, when will you implement the system?" 

"Boss, what about the second rank and below? Will they also get benefits?" 

"Of coulse. Hele are the list of bwenefits for the secwond rank and below." 

Ainsley distributed the list of benefits that she had calculated a long time ago. 

The second rank wouldn't get their own mansion or territory to expand, but they had the authority to recruit more members without the main family intervening. 

Usually, in the Sloan Family, the main family would assign the mafia members for the branch families. The branch families didn't have any authority to recruit people as they liked. 

But Ainsley gave them the freedom as long as these mafia members swore an oath to her as the family head.