"Evolving Keen Hearing"

But first, before talking to Axelle, Ainsley knew that she had to consume the evolution potion first. 

Lately, she had been gaining skills for her other abilities here and there, but her keen hearing ability remained stagnant. 

She only trained it up a bit and could hear others' thoughts occasionally…

Ah, and there's that incident when she heard the voice of the dead. 

When Ainsley recalled that experience, she couldn't help but hate her keen hearing ability. 

'Why can't I have a more powerful ability?' 

Ainsley grumbled. 

'The Godfather has all sorts of offensive and defensive abilities...while I only have one for the time being...and it has to be under the Godfather's control too!' 

Ainsley's luck manipulation could be considered an offensive ability, but in Ainsley's mind, it wasn't the true offensive ability.