"Fanboys & Fangirls"

The day of the large-scale recruitment 

Ainsley had just finished her breakfast when Elliana approached her with a tablet in hand. 

"Boss. Here." The woman handed the device to Ainsley, and the baby casually took it. She then lit up the screen, only to see various documents and reports inside. 

"Twis…?" Ainsley asked Elliana. 

She jumped from her seat before walking out with a tablet in her hands. 

"Applicants...info, " Elliana answered shortly. She faithfully followed behind Ainsley wherever the baby headed to. 

This time, Ainsley visited the office that she used as her working space. Grandpa Yofan and Elliana were also using that room. 

Once the baby entered the room, she immediately took the seat behind the huge working desk facing the door. 

After making sure that she's comfortable, only then did the baby respond to Elliana.