"Heaven-defying Potions"

These potions...what are they?? A new kind? Are they fake? B-but they look legit! 

Harry didn't know where Ainsley got these potions, but from what he knew, these potions were indeed rare since he couldn't identify them at a single glance. 

As someone who had never encountered a potion made by an elf, it's normal for Harry to be ignorant when seeing one. 

However, despite not knowing, his intuition as an alchemist for many years told him that the 6 potions in front of him weren't fake potions. 

They're real. 

Harry took a deep breath, trying to appear calm and collected. He put on a poker face as he took one of the potions. 

The one that he took had bright mint colour, looking like a mint ice cream. 

"This is…" The middle-aged man read the information on the yellow sticky note, and for a moment, he almost forgot to breathe. 

[Pseudo-awakening potion]