"The Illusion's Weakness"

After Zev asked Ainsley and Godfather, the two immediately explained what's going on to Zev. After talking for 15 minutes, Zev finally understood what's going on with the two. 

[Ahhhh, so you guys fell into an illusion!] 

[Yeah. Now we want to know his to prevent that from happening again, ] The Godfather said as he pulled Zev and made him sit on his lap. 

After all, if he didn't do so, the toddler would float in the air with his diaper showing everywhere…

That's disgusting! 

[Mmmm, mmmm...well, the easiest way not to fall into his illusion is to prevent him from using his illusion ability…] Zev rubbed his chin as he casually nestled in the Godfather's embrace. 

Even though the young man didn't even hug Zev, the toddler spirit was brazen enough to cling onto the young man's waist.